Cassandra O'Connor



for healing and Evolution



Interdimensional Healing

Sessions are dynamic and transformational. We may be rewriting soul contracts, healing trauma, preparing you for sacred partnership, clearing demons, integrating a psychedelic journey, processing grief, or receiving messages from your ancestors. In all sessions we will be atuning to your soul’s deepest truth and aligning with that. All healing sessions begin with a short grounding meditation and invoke the benevolent forces of reality to guide and protect the container for your evolution.


Schedule Appointment

Are you ready to clear your trauma and quantum leap into the 5D? Book a session with Cassandra.


Testimonials for Healing

Cassandra helped me through my darkest hour. She was direct, concise, compassionate, and friendly during both of our comprehensive sessions. I was able to gain clarity on something which has been extremely difficult for me to deal with. She led me to discovering how I could remove a parasite from my life. She has a vast comprehension of life, and is a true embodiment of unconditional love. I fully recommend her services, I am one hundred percent satisfied with the entire experience. Thank you Cassandra!
— Mark O.
Cassandra is a wonderful therapist and healer. She came into my life at a time where I was moving through a big life transition. I see now how divine it was. When it would’ve been easy to succumb to the wave of fears, Cassandra has helped me not lose sight of who I am. She has been a great resource for spiritual knowledge and holds perspectives with care and validity. Our work together has been multidimensional and transformational. She is here for us who want to live freely and exit the matrix.
— J.I. age 24, Graduate Student, Orange County, CA
Cassandra possesses a graceful and loving presence that immediately allows you to feel safe in surrender. Her ability to hold space even in an online scenario feels natural and is admirable. Being a space holder myself, I deeply appreciate the authenticity, compassion and humour Cassandra brings forth with her divine gifts.
— Theresa, 57, Millennial Soul Mentor
Cassandra is a gifted guide and natural healer. Just being in her presence has a soothing effect on one’s soul. She helped me as much with her ability to listen as with her guidance, which is always rooted in a deep respect for one’s individuality as well as how we all fit together as a whole. I feel lucky and blessed to have known Cassandra, and I hope that more people will have the chance to experience her healing abilities.
— E.G. 42, San Francisco, Artist and Filmmaker
Over the several years that I’ve worked with Cassandra, I have made so much progress on my personal journey: I can now see myself more wholly, tune into my inner voice more clearly, and love myself more joyously. We have covered so much ground, including shadow work, creativity, professional goals, grief, and love, and through it all she has provided a warm, nurturing, and safe resource for deeper understanding and growth. I always leave our sessions energized and motivated — I am so truly grateful for all her help!
— Jillian, 30, San Francisco, Journalist

Testimonial for Coaching

I have been working with Cassandra for a few months. She has the uncanny ability to tune into my heart’s vision with me and then reflect it back. We have created clear steps of how we can get to the vision to the manifestation, with a timeline that fits my schedule/energetic availability. Our weekly check ins provide me encouragement and accountability. She has a unique insights that help me see my vision and how to bring it forth with much more clarity than I have on my own.
— Crystal, Meditation Teacher, 35, Mexico



We are living in very exciting times and you are at the front line of the evolution. As we heal our ancestral trauma and release karmic patterns we activate our Christed DNA. I am here to help you achieve your maximum potential in this lifetime, by learning to summon the infinite creative forces of reality, heal your trauma, and master your vessel, you can step fully into your power and purpose.

Earth is capable of balance and harmony but its citizens must evolve by releasing karma and bringing their internal energies into balance with the external energies. Most humans are not aware of the immense powers they posses or how to employ them to improve their lives. It is my delight to help you re-member your power through a series of exercises for healing and evolution.

About Me

My name is Cassandra

I came to Earth at this time to hold the frequency of the new paradigm and remind humans that they are sovereign and powerful beings. I am claire-sentient and remember my past lives in other dimensions where we enjoyed a more harmonious and advanced society. I have a Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, and am a certified Universal Chaplain. I have been initiated into Sufism, Buddhism, and the Mystical Arts. I was born in Northern California and have been traveling the world since the age of 15 collecting songs and stories and observing how people live on Earth. I have a deep understanding of how the human vessel and its powers work. I am an Arcturian Starseed and work closely with the Ascended Masters to map out path ways of healing for human individuals as well as the collective. We are becoming a new paradigm of sovereign and empowered, heart-centered, Christed beings. Currently I reside in a tropical Oaxaca where I am creating an eco-community neighborhood. Come visit if you are in the area!