You can be rich and happy or rich and miserable.

Likewise you can be poor and happy or poor and miserable. Have you ever wanted something so bad only to get it and have it not turn out the way you hoped, leaving you still desiring for more? You long for that perfect partner and then when you get them, after the first 6 months you wish they would be more this or more that. Whenever we desire something that is outside of ourselves we will never be satisfied.

The only desire that can lead to satisfaction is the desire to become more fully ourselves.

We are rich because we are a gift to the world. We are all precious gems waiting to grace humanity with our essence and purpose. When we use our gifts, our richness is received and we can feel true happiness and wealth. We are rich by what we give, not by what we get. (Actually the truth is, we are rewarded when we give our best gift to the world). The more fully and unrestrained we give our gifts away (while staying in our center and being true to ourselves) the bigger gem we are and therefore the richer we are.

To learn more about how to become your true heart’s desire I recommend reading Saida Desilets’ book listed in the bibliography.


Desilets, Saida September 10th 2018, Desire, Motivational Press, Incorporated

Cassandra O'Connor